Welcome to the ‘Realigning Reception’ CRSN blog takeover! This takeover is a little different from our usual format. The series will run over the autumn and takes the form of a set of interventions from graduate students working at the intersection between classical reception and contemporary critical theory. These interventions are intended both as educational resources – providing preliminary introductions to different theoretical and methodological approaches within reception studies – and as illustrations of the potential for such approaches to broaden as well as enrich the field. Each post speculates about the different ways in which the approach might be included in the expanding body of theory with which reception has been engaging, and ends with a further reading list.

The series is edited by the CRSN Postgraduate Rep Zoë Jennings. Zoë (she/her) is a PhD student in Classics at Oxford, working on the reception of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in twenty-first century performance. She is particularly interested in the ways in which the study of the ancient world and classical reception have intersected with critical theory from the late twentieth century onwards.