Marina Carr and Patrick O’Kane in conversation about ‘Girl On An Altar’


Award-winning playwright, Marina Carr will be in conversation with actor Patrick O'Kane who plays Agamemnon in Marina's new play, Girl On An Altar (Kiln Theatre) - a retelling of the myth of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon. The conversation will be streamed on the APGRD's YouTube channel, followed by live Q&A. Watch live or recorded catch-up here. […]

W. E. B. Du Bois and the Ancient Mediterranean


A conference hosted by Penn State’s Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies (CAMS), to be held on Zoom on March 19-21, 2021. The event is co-organized by Dr. Mathias Hanses (Penn State) and Dr. Jackie Murray (University of Kentucky) and co-sponsored by PSU’s Humanities Institute, the College of the Liberal Arts, the Department of […]

Classics, Decolonisation and Race: a talk with Prof. Phiroze Vasunia


Prof. Phiroze Vasunia will be speaking broadly about topics relating to Classics, decolonisation and race at this online talk hosted by London Classicists of Colour. 25 March 2021, 6pm UTC. Vasunia is a Professor in UCL’s Greek and Latin department, with a broad range of research interests including the relationship between Classics and imperialism / […]

William Golding: Beyond Good and Evil


A one-day online symposium on the life and work of William Golding, 8 April 2021. While Lord of the Flies remains a widely read and much studied work of twentieth-century fiction, the rest of Golding’s creative output has suffered from a dearth of serious critical attention in the past two decades. However, the novels themselves […]

Sex, Rage and Change: feminist adaptation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses


A public conversation hosted by the Department of Classics, the University of the South (Sewanee) with Nina MacLaughlin (author of Wake Siren: Ovid Resung, 2019), Paisley Rekdal (Poet Laureate of Utah and author of Nightingale, 2019) and Prof. Stephanie McCarter (Professor of Classics, University of the South, Sewanee and translator of Ovid's Metamorphoses). Email Stephanie McCarter […]

Méduse, de Hésiode à Assassin’s Creed: Représentations et réception historique d’une figure emblématique de la mythologie grecque


A one-day, trans-disciplinary conference on the reception of the figure of Medusa from antiquity to today. From the archaic Gorgon to Assassin's Creed and #MeToo, via the uses of Medusa at the end of the Roman Republic, in the Middle Ages and in modern times, the speakers will question the popularity and the continual re-semantisation […]

CFP: (Un)-Forgotten Realms: Science Fiction and Fantasy in and about the Ancient Mediterranean


25th Annual Classics Graduate Student Colloquium, University of Virginia Saturday, April 17th, 2021 Keynote Speaker: Jennifer Rea (University of Florida) Conceptions of the fantastic appear throughout Classical antiquity as the Greeks and Romans looked to the supernatural as a way of understanding themselves and the world around them. Ancient literature abounds with elements of fantasy, […]

Panel Discussion: ‘Race: Antiquity and its Legacy’


A panel discussion, hosted by the Hellenic Society (SPHS), with Zena Kamash (RHUL), Rosa Andújar (KCL), Denise McCoskey (Miami), and Dan-el Padilla Peralta (Princeton), chaired by Professor Phiroze Vasunia (UCL). Free, online event at 2-4pm (UTC+1) on Friday 23 April.

Oxford/APGRD Classics and English Annual Lecture: Tragedy Since 9/11


The APGRD will be welcoming Dr Jennifer Wallace (Cambridge) to speak about her book Tragedy Since 9/11: Reading a World Out of Joint (Bloomsbury, 2019), for the sixth annual Classics and English lecture (postponed from last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic). Monday, April 26, 2021, 2pm UTC. This APGRD public lecture will be streamed live on YouTube […]