“Something Old, Something New”: The Reception of Classics in Modern and Contemporary Songwriting
Athens , GreeceProlepsis Association is happy to fund and support the initiative of a group enterprising of graduate students of the Kapodistrian University of Athens, who are going to host a conference entitled “Something Old, Something New”: The Reception of Classics in Modern and Contemporary Songwriting, taking place in Athens on the 14th September 2018. English CfP: […]
Winckelmann’s Victims. The Classics: Norms, Exclusions and Prejudices
Ghent University Ghent, BelgiumFirst Call for Papers CONFIRMED KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Michelle Warren (University of Dartmouth) - Mark Vessey (University of British Columbia) - Irene Zwiep (University of Amsterdam) “Der einzige Weg für uns, groß, ja, wenn es möglich ist, unnachahmlich zu werden, is die Nachahmung der Alten.” Johannes Winckelmann Classics played a major and fundamental role in the […]
Mythological Panoramas: Tracing Distortions and Fictions of Landscape Across Time and Space
Senate House, University of London Malet Street, LondonCall for Papers A one-day conference at Senate House, University of London 4th October 2018 Keynote: Professor John Wylie (University of Exeter) In recent decades, the ‘spatial turn’ in critical theory has heralded an increased focus on geographical tensions across the humanities. Considering the nature of spaces and places allows us to elucidate the complex dialectics that […]
Greenwich London, United KingdomIt’s the mark of a classic that it’s never out-dated. Many of the most exciting artists and writers working today are taking their inspiration from stories, concepts and forms now thousands of years old. This festival celebrates the legacy of the ancient Greeks and Romans by connecting it with innovative work being created today. A […]
Ancient World and Modern Societies: How Classics help reshape our world
University of Reading Reading, United KingdomBeset by terrorism, environmental degradation, as well as by alienation and social inequalities often fanned by war, the modern world suffers from depression. Modern means of relief, such as the newest technological advancements, impose mass behaviour and threaten all facets of freedom. On the other hand, it is intriguing how easily the modern reader relates […]
Classics and the Now: ‘Positions / Perspectives’
Classics Faculty, University of Oxford 66 St Giles', Oxford, United KingdomFelix Budelmann (Oxford), Fiona Macintosh (Oxford), Pantelis Michelakis (Bristol) - 'Positions / Perspectives'
Ancient and Popular Reception of the Ancient Near East seminar
SOAS Bloomsbury, London, United Kingdom'The statue that looked like a sheikh: towards a critical historiography of ancient Egyptian art', Professor Christina Riggs – Department of Art History and World Art Studies, University of East Anglia, and Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford
A Celebration of the Centre For The Reception of Greece and Rome
11 Bedford Square 11 Bedford Square, LondonThe Centre for the Reception of Greece and Rome of the Classics Department at Royal Holloway are delighted to invite classicists, friends, alumni and colleagues to a celebration of the Centre’s recent and upcoming research at our Bedford Square building in central London. The academics who work in the centre will give some updates about […]
Classics and Global Humanities
University of Ghana Legon, GhanaStudies have explored the cross-cultural engagement between Western civilisation and other cultures (Stephens and Vasunia 2010) as well as the legacy and reception of the Classics in the Arab world (Pormann 2015), India (Vasunia 2013), West Africa (Goff 2013; Goff and Simpson 2007) and recently, South Africa (Parker 2017). Classical reception studies thus continue to […]
Rome and the Raj
V&A LondonThis course looks at the fascination exerted by ancient Rome during the period of British colonial rule in India. It will be taught by distinguished academic experts from UCL, KCL, Birkbeck, and Royal Holloway. Topics will include the art and architecture of colonial India and Britain, the uses of Greek and Latin by the colonizers […]