AMPRAW 2018: Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World

University of Coimbra Coimbra, Portugal

It is with great pleasure that we announce the Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World. AMPRAW 2018 will be a two-day conference aiming to provide postgraduate students from all disciplines with the opportunity to present their research to the growing academic community focusing on classical reception. A third day, Saturday, will be […]

Heidegger and the Classics

Senate House, University of London Malet Street, London

The Centre for the Reception of Greece and Rome (CRGR) at Royal Holloway, University of London is pleased to announce that a one-day workshop on the relationship between Martin Heidegger and the Classics will be held at Senate House, London on November 8th2018. ** Registration is now open. Prospective participants can find details on how to […]


Medea on the Contemporary Stage and Screen

Western Washington University Bellingham, WA, United States

  Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) In recent years, the afterlives of Greek tragedy have received special attention in the rapidly expanding field of classical reception studies. With reincarnations ranging from Japanese Noh theater to the Mexican screen, Euripides’ Medea is now more than ever a truly global “classic.” The time is ripe […]

Claiming the Classical: 21st century political rhetoric and the Greco-Roman past

Institute of Classical Studies Senate House, London, United Kingdom

CTC is an international network examining the use of the Greco-Roman past in 21st century political discourse. We welcome members from the global classical community, facilitating collaborative research and public engagement. To join, please sign up to our email list by the online form or reply to this email. CFP: Workshop: Friday 9th November 2018 […]

The Reception of Greek Ethics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium: Continuities and Transformations

Corpus Christi College Merton Street, Oxford, United Kingdom

Description: The conference will look at writings on ethics and morality from Late Antiquity and Byzantium with the aim of examining their distinctive features and dialogue with existing philosophical models. This is a strand of research that has not previously been subject to systematic investigation, which has precluded a thorough appreciation of the reception of […]

Our Mythical Childhood (Being Human)

University of Roehampton , United Kingdom

This exhibition showcases discoveries made in the University of Roehampton’s extensive archive of children’s literature. Focusing on illustrations in children’s classics, it shows how ancient myths are brought alive to the imagination. Myths from ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt have given us iconic characters, such as heroes, gods, and monsters, whose stories are often first encountered […]

Creation and Destruction: Stories by the Fire (Being Human)

Skip Garden 1 Tapper Walk, London, United Kingdom

Where did we come from? Where are we going? These questions will be explored in a very special night of storytelling hosted by the Institute of Physics and Global Generation who will discuss different ideas about the creation and fate of the universe. In the beautiful surroundings of the Skip Garden, join in a fireside chat […]