Tom Phillips, ‘Shelley’s Plastic Hellenism’
University of Warwick CoventryThe Classics and Ancient History department at the University of Warwick is pleased to continue next term the Classical Connections Seminar Series, dedicated to exploring connections between Greek and Latin antiquity and different geographical and temporal contexts. Our next lecture in the series will be: Dr Tom Phillips (Manchester) Friday 11th January 2019 5pm-6pm OC 0.05 […]
Virgil Society: Yasmin Haskell, ‘The tears in things: How early modern Jesuits ripped off Virgil’
Senate House, University of London Malet Street, LondonProfessor Yasmin Haskell (University of Bristol) ‘The tears in things: How early modern Jesuits ripped off Virgil’ Room G22/26 South Block
Melinda Powers, ‘Diversifying Greek Tragedy on the Contemporary US Stage’
Classics Faculty, University of Oxford 66 St Giles', Oxford, United KingdomGlacie circumdatus uror – Der neulateinische Petrarkismus
Bonn University Bonn, GermanyDonnerstag, 24.1.2019 18.00–18.30 Grußworte Prof. Dr. Volker Kronenberg, Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät Prof. Dr. Marc Laureys, Sprecher des CCT PD Dr. Beate Hintzen, Alexander Winkler Abendvortrag 18.30–19.30: Michael Bernsen (Bonn): Der Petrarkismus als europäischer Gründungsmythos anschließend Weinempfang Freitag, 25.1.2019 I. Der neulateinische Petrarkismus in der Romania 10.00–10.45 Gernot Michael Müller (Eichstätt): Überbietende Synthesen. Petrarca […]
Katherine Harloe, ‘Winckelmann’s love letters: epistolarity, sexuality and classical reception’
Classics Department, University of Durham 38 North Bailey, Durham, United KingdomDurham Departmental Research Seminar Everyone is welcome to attend our Departmental Research Seminar, which meets on Thursdays at 4pm in the Ritson Room, Department of Classics and Ancient History, 38 North Bailey (unless otherwise indicated), and is followed by a drinks reception. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any […]
‘A Play after Euripides’ Andromeda’
Classics Faculty, University of Oxford 66 St Giles', Oxford, United Kingdom'A Play after Euripides' Andromeda': a rehearsed reading from a new play by Hannah Greenstreet, followed by discussion with Astrid Rodda. Lecture Theatre, Ioannou Centre, 66 St Giles', Oxford
Anactoria Clarke, ‘Patterns of Empire: Disrupting the Influence of the East in Victorian Reception’
University of LiverpoolUniversity of Liverpool Dept of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology - Work in Progress Seminar The Arthur West Roome, 8-14 Abercromby Square Contact
Katherine Harloe, ‘Winckelmann’s love letters: epistolarity, sexuality and classical reception’
University of Birmingham Edgbaston, Birmingham, United KingdomResearch seminar, Department of Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology at the University of Birmingham. Seminar starts at 4 pm, and takes place in the Museum (Room 305 in the Arts Building) Everyone is welcome!
Sebastian Matzner, ‘Forgetting Plato: Classical Alternatives to Theorizing Male-Male Desire in Fin de Siècle Germany’
Durham University Durham, United KingdomYou are warmly invited to attend the inaugural LGBT History Month Annual Public Lecture, sponsored by the Department of Classics and Ancient History at Durham University: Thursday, Feb. 7th, at 4pm in PG21, Palace Green, Pemberton Building, Durham DH13RL. A drinks reception will follow in the Ritson Room, Department of Classics and Ancient History, 38 […]
Tom Phillips, ‘Unapprehended Relations: Shelley’s Antiquities’
University of Manchester Manchester, United KingdomManchester Classics Research Seminar You are cordially invited to attend our seminar series. Talks will take place on Thursdays in terms time at 5pm in room A101 in the Samuel Alexander Building. Drinks are served afterwards, and we also normally go to an informal dinner with the speaker.