Re-/Un-working Tragedy: Perspectives from the Global South

University of Cambridge

Join Jennifer Wallace, Simon Goldhill, Katie Fleming, Rosa Andujar, Renaud Gagne, Barabra Goff, Tina Chanter, Astrid van Weyenberg and many others from a variety of disciplines to discuss tragedy, its ability to comment on present crises, and the global politics of adaptation. Summary Building on ideas explored in the Re- Interdisciplinary Network's CRASSH events, the conference […]

Rape, Revenge and Transformation: Tereus Through the Ages

University of Roehampton , United Kingdom

The story of Tereus preoccupied major authors in classical antiquity. References to it date back to the Homeric poems and the myth was addressed by renowned dramatists, such as Aeschylus, Sophocles and Accius, before being adapted by Ovid. These different versions raise questions about the reconstruction of the myth and representation of women, family violence, […]

Adam Lecznar, ‘Dionysus After Nietzsche: reception, history and temporality’

University of Leeds Leeds, United Kingdom

Leeds Classics Research Seminars All seminars take place on Thursday at 5pm. in LAHRI Seminar Room 1 (3.01 Clothworkers South Building), University of Leeds, LS2 9JT All welcome! For further information, please contact Paul White

Classics and the Spectacular under Fascism: Classical Performance in the ‘Ventennio Fascista’

Classics Faculty, University of Oxford 66 St Giles', Oxford, United Kingdom

10.15-10.45 Registration and Coffee 10.45-11.00 Welcome from Fiona Macintosh (Oxford)Giovanna Di Martino and Sara Troiani present the APGRD and Laboratorio Dionysos Databases 11.00-12.00 Classicising the Spectacle – Chair: Oliver Taplin (Oxford)Eleftheria Ioannidou (Groningen) - A Classical ModernityGiovanna Di Martino (Oxford) – Aeschylus, Modernity and the New ‘Classical’ Ideal 12.00-13.00 Classics and the Spectacular I: Ettore […]

Calgacus in 2020

University College London London, United Kingdom

To mark the septcentenary of the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320, recognising Scotland’s independence from England, Tom Mackenzie (UCL) and Edith Hall (KCL) are convening a one-day symposium, on Calgacus and his reception, at UCL (IAS Common Ground) on Burns Night 2020 (25th January). Papers include discussions of the presentation of Calgacus in commentaries across […]

Postgraduate and Early Career Workshop: Baroque Latinity

The Warburg Institute Woburn Square, London

The Society for Neo-Latin Studies is organising a postgraduate and early career event in London on 6th February 2020. The focus of the day will be Baroque Latinity, the theme of a recently established AHRC-funded research project. Specialists in the field will present papers on different aspects of sixteenth and seventeenth century Baroque Neo-Latin. Speakers […]

Natalie Haynes, ‘Troy Story’

Queen's University Belfast University Road, Belfast, United Kingdom

The Classical Association in Northern Ireland 02/018 Peter Froggatt Centre 02/018, QUB