Aaron Kachuck, ‘Per Monstra ad Sphaeram: Of Pegasus and Poetics’

Classics Faculty, Cambridge Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Cambridge Classical Reception Seminar Series Seminars are held at 5.15pm in G.21, Faculty of Classics, Sidgwick Site, Cambridge. For more information, or if you wish to present next term, please contact Sofia Greaves srg55@cam.ac.uk Zack Case zc270@cam.ac.uk Nathaniel Hess nh433@cam.ac.uk

Tania Demetriou, ‘Unfamiliar Ovids in the English Renaissance’

University of Leeds Leeds, United Kingdom

Leeds Classics Research Seminar All seminars take place on Thursday at 5pm. in LAHRI Seminar Room 1 (3.01 Clothworkers South Building), University of Leeds, LS2 9JT All welcome! For further information, please contact Paul White p.m.white@leeds.ac.uk

Aristotle Kallis, ‘Romanità on show: the idea of Rome in the Mostra Augustea della Romanità and the Exhibitions of E42’

Classics Faculty, Cambridge Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Cambridge Classical Reception Seminar Series Seminars are held at 5.15pm in G.21, Faculty of Classics, Sidgwick Site, Cambridge. For more information, or if you wish to present next term, please contact Sofia Greaves srg55@cam.ac.uk Zack Case zc270@cam.ac.uk Nathaniel Hess nh433@cam.ac.uk