Postgraduate and Early Career Workshop: Baroque Latinity

The Warburg Institute Woburn Square, London

The Society for Neo-Latin Studies is organising a postgraduate and early career event in London on 6th February 2020. The focus of the day will be Baroque Latinity, the theme of a recently established AHRC-funded research project. Specialists in the field will present papers on different aspects of sixteenth and seventeenth century Baroque Neo-Latin. Speakers […]

Natalie Haynes, ‘Troy Story’

Queen's University Belfast University Road, Belfast, United Kingdom

The Classical Association in Northern Ireland 02/018 Peter Froggatt Centre 02/018, QUB

Lucy Jackson, ‘An advocate for tyranny: two receptions of Sophocles’ Antigone in sixteenth- century Europe’

University of Bristol Bristol, United Kingdom

University of Bristol research seminar All are welcome at our seminars, which take place every second Tuesday during term from 3.30 until 5, followed by drinks and then dinner, to which everyone is warmly invited. Please send any queries to the Research seminar organizer, Dr. Paul Martin (

Aaron Kachuck, ‘Per Monstra ad Sphaeram: Of Pegasus and Poetics’

Classics Faculty, Cambridge Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Cambridge Classical Reception Seminar Series Seminars are held at 5.15pm in G.21, Faculty of Classics, Sidgwick Site, Cambridge. For more information, or if you wish to present next term, please contact Sofia Greaves Zack Case Nathaniel Hess