Patrice Rankine: The ‘Bacchae’ and the postcolonial turn


Patrice Rankine (University of Chicago) The ‘Bacchae’ and the postcolonial turn (based on his new book Theater and Crisis: Myth, Memory, and Racial Reckoning in America, 1964-2020) Register here: Out of the Shadows of Empire  Recent scholarship has increasingly drawn attention to the discipline of classics' historic entanglement with projects of empire and their […]

OUT OF THE SHADOWS OF EMPIRE: Institute of Classical Studies’ Classical Reception Seminar Series

The Classical Reception Studies Network and Institute of Classical Studies (University of London) are excited to announce the commencement of this year’s summer term seminar series on 22 April 2024. This year’s theme is ‘Out of the Shadows of Empire.’  Recent scholarship has increasingly drawn attention to the discipline of classics' historic entanglement with projects of […]

Lesego Chauke: Shadows of Empire Seminar


Lesego Chauke (University of Cape Town) Title TBC Register here: Out of the Shadows of Empire  Recent scholarship has increasingly drawn attention to the discipline of classics' historic entanglement with projects of empire and their legacies. Not only was classical education central to colonial curricula, but classical motifs were weaponised in the justification of […]

Justine McConnell: Graeco-Roman Shades and Colonial Shadows in the Caribbean


Justine McConnell (King's College London) Graeco-Roman Shades and Colonial Shadows in the Caribbean Register here: Out of the Shadows of Empire  Recent scholarship has increasingly drawn attention to the discipline of classics' historic entanglement with projects of empire and their legacies. Not only was classical education central to colonial curricula, but classical motifs were […]

Madhlozi Moyo: The obelisks of Matabeleland: Cecil John Rhodes, conquest, and the Classics


Madhlozi Moyo (University of the Free State) The obelisks of Matabeleland: Cecil John Rhodes, conquest, and the Classics Register here: Out of the Shadows of Empire Recent scholarship has increasingly drawn attention to the discipline of classics' historic entanglement with projects of empire and their legacies. Not only was classical education central to colonial […]

The Next Generation of Classical Reception Studies 

University of St Andrews St Andrews, United Kingdom

Workshop for Early Career and PG Researchers, UK The St Andrews Centre for the Receptions of Antiquity (SACRA) and the Classical Reception Studies Network (CRSN) would like to invite Postgraduate Researchers and Early Career Academics based in the UK and working in the field of classical reception studies to a workshop in the University of […]

Daniela Potenza, Yassaman Khajehi and Pauline Donizeau : Greek Tragedy and The Middle East: Chasing The Myth


Daniela Potenza (Messina University), Yassaman Khajehi (Clermont Auvergne University), and Pauline Donizeau (Lumière University) Greek Tragedy and The Middle East: Chasing The Myth Register here: Out of the Shadows of Empire Recent scholarship has increasingly drawn attention to the discipline of classics' historic entanglement with projects of empire and their legacies. Not only was […]

Michael Okyere Asante: Reception Seminar Title TBC


Michael Okyere Asante (University of Environment and Sustainable Development/Stellenbosch University) Title tbc  Register here: Out of the Shadows of Empire Recent scholarship has increasingly drawn attention to the discipline of classics' historic entanglement with projects of empire and their legacies. Not only was classical education central to colonial curricula, but classical motifs were weaponised […]

Call for Papers: Fanfiction and the Ancient World Conference. Abstract Deadline June 30th

Radboud University 6525 XZ Nijmegen, Netherlands

Call for Papers: Fanfiction and the Ancient World Conference October 4th to 5th, 2024 How can fan studies contribute to the study of Greco-Roman Antiquity and the field of Classical reception? How can Classics contribute to the study of fan culture? How does the community we call Greek mythology fandom differ from the community we […]

Call for Website Contributions – Ecopoetics in Late Antiquity and Beyond

Are you working somewhere at the crossroads of (late) antiquity and ecocriticism/ environmental humanities? We would love to hear from you! We are glad to launch our website: 'Coming After: Late Antique Ecopoetics' is an FWO-funded project based at Ghent University, Belgium. We seek to bring contemporary ecocriticism into dialogue with (late) antiquity and more […]