On the 8 July 2021 ReTAGS presented Act 1 of their newly launched Speaker Series. Prof. Ato Quayson, author of the recently published book Tragedy and Postcolonial Literature (Cambridge University Press, 2021), was the esteemed inaugural speaker. The topic of ‘Suffering and the Ethical Complex In and Outside Tragedy’ was rich and nuanced; presented with care, passion and a vast knowledge of the scope of postcolonial literature across various geographical contexts but particularly in Africa. You can access the full recording here.
The Speaker Series was designed to share the work and thinking of distinguished scholars with the research community in Cape Town and a wider audience across the global South and the diaspora.
Upcoming Speaker Series events:
Act 2 | 16 August | A play reading of Médáyé
Médáyé is a re-reading for the African stage of Euripides’ Medea by Femi Osofisan
The reading will be followed by a Q&A with the author
Act 3 | 17 September | Prof. Simon Critchley
Prof. Critchley will be presenting aspects from his recent book Tragedy, The Greeks and Us (Pantheon, 2019)
Sign up here for the Speaker Series and join the ReTAGS Mailing List to keep updated about future Speaker Series and other upcoming events.